Microsoft Teams adds audio sharing and notifications for Mac users
Those running Microsoft Teams on macOS are now able to share their Mac’s system audio during a video call when another user is screen sharing.
Microsoft has begun standardizing certain features of Microsoft Teams, such as the ability to share system audio, and bringing them to the Mac. Windows users have always been able to share their system audio during another person’s screen share, and starting with the April 22 update, macOS users can, too.
According to Windows Latest, Microsoft will also be bringing native macOS system notifications in a future update.
Previously, Microsoft Teams used program-specific notifications for both Windows and macOS users. Microsoft began rolling out native Windows 10 notifications in early April.
Microsoft will likely be bringing the feature to the Mac app soon, allowing notifications to be viewed in Notification Center. However, it appears it isn’t going to force users to adopt Notification Center instead of its existing system.
“There is no change in message notification behaviour until a user enables the native OS notifications,” Microsoft told Windows Latest.
In December, the company announced a slew of changes to the calling features on its Microsoft Teams app, including support for CarPlay and transferring calls between devices.
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